Presentation of the dummy cheque at the renovated church site by development partners to the church parishioners 

 In a move that symbolizes the spirit of collaboration and shared vision for community development, Waitri and Tutuwe Trust have come together to provide a joint funding support of K150,000.00 to complete the Saint Brigid Parish Cathedral in Kiunga, Western Province.

The Saint Brigid Parish Church is a testament to the resilience and faith of the local community. Construction of the new cathedral had financial challenges, affecting the spiritual and communal life of its congregation.

Ms Julieth Hmentori Local Trustee Wai Tri and Chair Lady said this was a first for the Trusts to invest such an amount towards the church. She said: “Throughout history in Western Province, we the Wai Tri trust have been supporting church projects, but this is the first time such sum of money has been given. Where there is church there is service. Historically, the North Fly and the Western Province has been supported by mainline churches in education and health.” She said the trust board was happy to approve the funds. “As we give this support, it will come back in the service provided to our families especially in education and health. All sectors need to work together in collaboration to provide service and Church based organisations are a major development agent to partner with.”

The K150,000.00 joint funding from both Waitri and Tutuwe Trust is a catalyst for progress. This generous contribution will enable the timely completion of the cathedral, providing a focal point for unity, prayer, and communal gatherings.

Waitri and Tutuwe, two of the eight CMCA Trust entities, committed to fostering growth and prosperity in their regions, recognise the significance of investing in community infrastructure.

OTDF Media Vitaharo