Staff of LBL, Ok Tedi Mine, WTL and OTDF celebrate International Women’s Day, 2022
Lower Ok Tedi Investment Company(LOTIC) Bige Limited (LBL Holdings) hosted a Women’s Day lunch for female staff of Kiunga and Bige operations in recognition of International Women’s Day.
This occasion recognised the valuable contributions women play at their respective sites.
“First and foremost let me wish a happy international women’s day to you and all our lady colleagues” LBL Chief Executive Officer Anthony Amerasinghe took the opportunity to thank OTML managers of Kiunga and Bige, OTDF CEO and Dredeco Works Manager for allowing their female staff to attend the function and for the cooperation and support extended.
OTDF Executive Manager – Program Services, Mr. Eric Kuman made an Important Speech during the gathering.
“I reaffirm that I believe in Women gender equality. The theme about ‘Breaking -Bias’ and create equal opportunities starts at home. We parents must promote the agenda and train our girls to claim the space. Today’s world a girl can fit into our society by marketing their beauty or being an educated professional. The latter will be most preferred to break the biasness in the developing world. Depends on how much we invest in them, organizations will recognize their potentials and give them opportunity to rise-up and live their dreams”.