A jubilant community in Atkamba village of Lower Ok Tedi, Kiunga Rural LLG witnessing the launch of their Community Learning Centre

The Atkamba Community now has access to a new Community Learning Centre (CLC), all thanks to funding from Nima Ara Women & Children’s Association.

On 24 August, the Waitri community members witnessed the official opening of their CLC.  President for Nima Ara Association Ruth Ukin acknowledged all development partners for their support in completing the building.  She says previous meetings were held under trees, open shelters, and community halls. Having the new building is important for the people.

President Ukin encouraged the people of Atkamba to take ownership and care for the new facility so nearby villages can have access to the building for training.

Ok Tedi Development Foundation (OTDF) Chief Executive Officer Havini Vira, in attendance, says making a wise decision in the community, will benefit all for sustaining their lives through participating in any organized training conducted in the community. He told the people that OTDF in partnership with Fly River Provincial Government, PNG Sustainable Development Program (PNGSDP), and Mineral Resources Community Mine Continuation Agreement or M-R-C-M-C-A) will work together to bring changes in CMCA villages to help improve the lives of people.

Provincial Administrator Robert Alphonse Kaiyun in his remarks says setting up such an asset is important in line with Fly River Provincial Government’s plan in three key areas of Health, Education, and Agribusiness for self-sustainability in the future, in the event Ok Tedi Mine closes. Other dignitaries, school children, youths, and women were present to witness the ceremony.

This new facility consists of a solar power storage room, two bedrooms and a conference room for the training.

The Waitri Nima Ara Association has similar buildings in Bige and Komopkin villages in the Lower Ok Tedi region.

OTDF Media Vitaharo