OTDF Community Education Services (CES) Scholarships officer Shemila Kasi addressing Grade 10 students of Ningrum High School in a recent FODE & Adult Matriculation awareness program.

The OTDF Community Education Services program (OTDF CES) recorded 299 Adult Matriculation students sitting for their semester one exams.

Program Coordinator Kevin Tom says ten satellite study Centres recorded over 400 students registering in the Adult Matriculation program this year. “From this figure, 277 eligible students sat for their semester one exams throughout the satellite Centres, in the CMCA regions of Western province,” he said.

Mr. Tom stated that this figure is significantly giving credit to the establishment of the satellite study Centres. Providing more access to study materials and making examination attendance easier.

He added that the FODE and Adult Matriculation program calendar was significantly affected by COVID-19 last year. However, this turnaround was good for both the students and the continuation of the program in the CMCA.

The transfer of the CES function to OTDF from OTML has consolidated community development initiatives for all mine associated communities.

OTDF is improving the coordination of educational services with partners including the Provincial Education Department and others.

The objective is to provide access to quality education for the children of the mine-associated communities. That is through improved curriculum, teachers’ education, and training and management in line with national and Western Province education plans.

OTDF Media Vitaharo