THE long awaited Zibo Zonga Fishing project in the Middle Fly region of Western Province is taking shape. This was made possible through positive partnership and dialogue with the Papua New Guinea National Fisheries
Authority (PNGNFA) and OTDF’s Business Development Division.
According to Business Development Team leader, Mr. Gabriel Kotona, a proposal to revive the project was presented to the NFA last month and NFA came back with a positive response.
“The National Fisheries Authority is very happy with our submission and has placed the Zibo Zonga Fishing project as one of its priority undertakings in the country,” Mr. Kotona said.
He also said that the PNGNFA is proposing a counter funding venture of K500, 000 if all necessary requirements are properly documented during the initial feasibility studies.“We are carrying out feasibility studies in the twelve villages that have ownership of the fishing company.
These are Kavianaga, Obo, Owa, Levame, Kasa, Komovai, Aiambak, Wangawanga, Bosset, Manda, Mipan and Kuem,” Mr. Kotona added. Mr. Kotona said the feasibility study is concentrated around post-harvest documentation which will project adequate information on product type and costing.
“Initially we will locate a neutral area where the factory will be erected to provide market for the local fishing villages and at the same time establish satellite ice machines throughout the twelve villages powered by a hybrid power source.” This is in relation to NFA requirements for fish products to be stored in cooling systems that run on a 24 hour basis.
The Middle Fly Trust chairman, Masola Abilo, also made a commitment of K300, 000 to support and get the project off the ground. “This is the project that my people have been waiting for and we really appreciate what OTDF is doing in terms of its progress,” he said. Most of the products will be exported to established domestic and international markets so that local fishermen benefit fully.
OTDF is committed to improve self-sustainability and quality of life of Western Province communities.
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