Miape Baupupu, Igea Yassa Manager PSO, and Philemon Nahuet Regional Development Team Leader present a gift as appreciation from OTDF 

Like any good story, there must be an ending. For one Morobe man who called Western Province home for the last 34 years, this finally happened on 13th December when he humbly bid goodbye. Miape Baupupu arrived in the Western Province a young energetic man and took up post with the Western Province Government as an Agriculture Officer.

He joined OTML Regional Development in 2006 and continued his community development work based in Tabubil maintaining OTDF relations with the mine village communities.

He spent the rest of his working life with OTDF up to his retirement. He recalls his life in Western as extraordinary and wonderful. “I have spent a good number of years here in Western Province,34 to be precise, I have done my bit in community development work, I have enjoyed every bit of it. My time has come to depart, as it is now time for the new ones to carry on the good work started.

There are challenges along the way, but be prepared to meet and handle them as they make you a better development officer and person”, he said. Chief Executive Officer Mr. Havini Vira thanked Miape for his long service to Ok Tedi recalling the days when he worked alongside Miape in the fisheries program.

“You have done Ok Tedi and the people of Western Province proud through your services, we wish you well in your path ahead”.


OTDF Media Vitaharo