Ms. Gretel Ungaia during their review session at Cassowary Hotel

A legal officer Ms. Gretel Ungaia from Project Link Consultancy Services was engaged from the 12th of January to the 18th of January to review the constitution for Nine (9) CMCA Women & Children Associations including the six OK Tedi Mine Villages.

The consultative meeting started in Daru where the consultant met with executives of Suki Fly Gogo, Manawete, Kiwaba, and Dudi Women & Children Associations of the Community Mine Continuation Agreement (CMCA) including the OTDF Community Development (CD) officer for South Fly Ms. Louise Olen.

CMCA Women in North Fly attend consultative workshop 

The consultative meeting extended to Kiunga on the 16th of January where the lawyer met with leaders of Middle Fly, Nima Ara, Tutuwe, Nupmo, and Mine Villages Women & Children Associations. The meeting was intensive and the consultant was able to meet with respective association executives who reviewed their constitutions accordingly.

Ms. Ungaia met with CD officers to help her understand Trust Deeds and Trust Processes in Decision Making and Funding approvals for projects and programs.

CD Program Coordinator Polang Tommy said this is one of the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) compliance issues identified in the Audit Report by auditors and also it is the process that will help qualify 9 associations to be recognised as an independent national NGO and to sustain independently after mine closure.

He said the legal consultant is now working on the constitutions and will come back again to finalise with the nine association executives before formal documentation can be submitted and processed by IPA.


OTDF Media Vitaharo